Sunday, June 26, 2011

What Makes You Take a Chance?

So its the worst time of the week. You've come to the end of a great book, a riveting story or worse still an entire seriesand it's time to leave that world behind. It's a sad thing to leave a world you have come to love. The characters have become friends. The setting had felt comfortable and familiar. What is an avid reader to do? Simple really. It's time to find a new author.
For me, finding a new author is like looking for a new lover. I've just submerged myself into the world of one writer. How can I be so unfaithful and go to look for another? And how do I choose?
Do I buy an ebook because it will likely be cheaper to take a chance on a new voice out there in the writing world? Do I take the recomendation of a friend and read what she's reading? Do I go about buying a Sunday New York Times and enlist the reviews in my decision making process?
It's a big question. So, how do you find a new author when you exhausted your favorites?

New Free Podcast by Michele Roger: Grimmer than Grimm

Grimmer than Grimm: “Handsome and Regrettal”

May 23rd, 2011

Grimmer than Grimm Episode 1: Handsome and Regrettal
Grimmer than Grimm Episode 1: Handsome and Regrettal

For all you deer hunters out there, this is a story dedicated to you! If you grew up in Michigan, even in the D, then you assuredly knew someone or some family that went deer hunting every autumn. What some readers may not know, is that in norther Michigan, whole towns take to the woods the weekend of opening day. While in some places, hunting may be a sport, but in Michigan, its an institution.
With this is mind, I offer the first episode in my new anthology, “Grimmer than Grimm” endearingly named after the two main characters in the story, the two brothers, Handsome and his younger brother, Regrettal. Follow these two young men as they get kicked out of their house, make a disasterous attempt at hunting in the Michigan back woods and finally take refuge in the cabin of the North Woods Witch. Who is the hunter and who is the hunted??
Handsome and Regrettal premieres May 28th in the form of a free podcast at . Following that airing, it will be available for free in the RSS feed at and at

Dark Matter Goes Digital

Dark Matter is an Ebook for $2.99

June 26th, 2011

Dark Matter is now an Ebook!
Dark Matter is now an Ebook!

After many months and failed attempts, my first novel, “Dark Matter” is now an ebook. You can buy a copy for your kindle, ipad, phone, nook, etc for the summer intro price of $2.99! Please go to  to buy it. They also have all things Michele Roger including links to new videos, blogs and upcoming events. Check it out!